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***Subscriber Newsflash***

'Bumping' requirements clarified
The LAC in Fischer Tube Technik SA v Bayene & Another has clarified how "bumping" should be applied in a retrenchment, and an employer's obligations to consult about it.
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Latest labour law news…

Procedural fairness in retrenchment
In Regenesys Management v Ilunga & Others the Constitutional Court had to decide the Labour Court's jurisdiction in disputes involving procedural unfairness in retrenchments.
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The 'helping hand' principle
In Nampak Divfoods v Dlamini the Labour Court had to consider an arbitrator's duty to extend a 'helping hand' to parties in dealing with whether hearsay evidence was admissible.
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Relief for Zimbabwean employees
The ConCourt in Minister of Home Affairs v Helen Suzman Foundation dismissed the Minister of Home Affairs' appeal against a High Court ruling that the ZEPs were unlawfully terminated.
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When is negligence 'gross'?
Prof Alan Rycroft highlights that this is not an easy question to answer, and discusses whether consciousness of risk-taking distinguishes gross from ordinary negligence.
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